QRJ - Quick Reference Journal

Just notes, research and sketches - In addition to working on a few project concept ideas, I have been compiling a trove of recent books (both e-books and paper) on the effect of technology on society. I also have an interest for visual data mapping particularly in the area of infographics and have reacquainted myself with Richard Watson's trend work and mapping.

Richard Watson is responsible for some interesting information regarding trend analysis in the area of web use and general future trends. He has a new book published called Future Minds and the influence of technology on our minds. The key points that he articulates are the need for balance and blended lives in our use and consumption of electronic-enabled and connected technology. Regarding over all research it is still early days on technologies affects on our bodies and minds (again, I mention computer and electronic usage of technology). Below is a video lecture of him discussing his book at RSA.

Some of his touch points include:

I. Influence of Ubiquitous Technology on our Minds and Society

II. Technology and the web are becoming the Master Teacher

III. Thinking - Quality of our Thinking "Deep Thinking" - Concern that digitization is narrowing our minds and our creative thinking abilities

 Presentation at RSA of the book Future Minds courtesy of RSA and YouTube.com

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